It’s taken a while, about 95 hours on the games clock, but I’ve
finally managed to beat Xenoblade Chronicles for the Wii and can safely say
that other than Dark Souls it is far and away the best RPG of this console
generation for me. Created by Monolith Soft and directed by Tetsuya Takahashi I
was initially apprehensive about this game. Monolith Soft’s and Tetsuya
Takahashi’s previous games included Xenogears and the Xenosaga series, games
that I have a love/hate relationship with. I admired their ambition but some of
the existential meandering and lack of clear focus in the gameplay or story meant
that I never really enjoyed playing them all that much. Xenoblade dials things
back to be a much more focused game and is all the better for it.
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Xenoblade has one of the most original settings in any game.
In the past two gigantic titans fought each other, the Bionis and the Mechonis.
This fight ended as both Titans struck simultaneous death blows against each
other and have remained locked in position since. The game takes place on the
corpses of these Titans. Exploring Xenoblade's world is one of the most
intriguing aspects of the game. Each area represents a part of the Bionis and
each one is absolutely immense. The sheer scale of the environments is as
breathtaking as the vistas you will stumble across. This game is absolutely
gorgeous and I’m amazed that these environments are rendered with only very
minimal pop up. Although there are some issues with textures looking very low
res up close the art design more than makes up for it. It’s one of the best
looking games this generation, going to show just far good art direction can
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Stepping on to the Bionis knee and seeing the Mechonis in the distance is just one of the games 'Wow' moments |
The story I found engaging. While starting off as simply a
tale of revenge it quickly develops into something a lot more complex. It’s not
totally devoid of the existential pondering of previous ‘Xeno’ games but what
is there is told in moderation and never strays into the completely ridiculous,
which was my problem with the ‘Xeno’ games. The cast of characters that journey
with Shulk are excellent, all are memorable and likeable. It completely avoids
the traditional cliché JRPG archetypes. For example the main character Shulk
can see glimpses of the future due to his sword the Monado, a major plot point
in the game. He can see the deaths of others but can’t always prevent these
deaths occurring. In a lesser JRPG this would lead to some sort of over the top
character breakdown. Shulk however is quite mature and accepts this, never
spending overly long contemplating it. It’s refreshing to have a cast react in
such a believable manner since it makes them a lot more relatable. A special
mention should also go to the brilliant bunch of bad guys who are always
entertaining when they showed up. These excellent characters are complimented
by a wonderful British cast that provides some excellent voice acting work.
The battle system is probably the best I’ve played since
Persona 4. Battles take place in real time and are heavily influenced by MMO
games. Your characters will attack automatically when engaged with an enemy. It
all seems very like FFXII which I found boring but there’s one big difference.
While I found FFXII played itself once gambits were set up (I literally beat
the game one handed since it was the only game I could play with a broken wrist
at the time) there’s an awful lot of strategy involved in Xenoblade. Positioning
and status effects play a big role. Shulk’s visions of the future also play a
big role, allowing you to see upcoming enemy attacks and allowing you to
interrupt or counter them. There’s a whole heap of other subsystems at play
that I don’t want to bore you with but suffice to say that the battle system is
complex but always enjoyable.
Xenoblade is a huge game and the 95 hours I spent on it were
really only scratching the surface. There’s a massive amount of sidequests to
complete, a little too much if you ask me. If you are playing the game just to
see the story like I was you can just take as many of the sidequests as you
can. You’ll end up completing most of them just wandering about exploring the
gorgeous landscapes and will allow you to level quicker. I heard some people
complaining about having to grind for some bosses in the game but I never had a
problem and as long as you take your time exploring you shouldn’t either. It’s
a long game but the ending is hugely satisfying. The soundtrack as well is
probably the best videogame soundtrack since Nier. Coming out at the tail end
of the Wii’s life when the system is all but dead means that Xenoblade probably
won’t get the sales it deserves. If you own a Wii and like RPGs you really have
to experience this wonderful game.